Cetco Bentoseal
PK Trowel Grade Bentonite Sealant
Volclay Bentoseal is a trowel-grade, sodium bentonite/butyl-rubber-based sealant designed for a variety of surface preparation and waterproof detailing work with Volclay Panels, Swelltite and Voltex waterproofing membranes.
Being bentonite-based, Bentoseal swells upon contact with water to seal against water intrusion. With the consistency of thick grease, Bentoseal is easy to apply and bonds to most substrate materials.
Size: 15Kg
- Primarily as a termination
- Continuity detailing compound for lapping Voltex with brush-applied coatings
- Laps with continuity waterproofing membranes
- Particularly at/just below ground level.