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Home Case Studies Internal Case Studies Junior Einsteins Nurturing Centre

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” – Albert Einstein
Junior Einsteins Nurturing Centre
3 Piper Dr
Dunmore NSW, 2529
Date: 2023
Project: Junior Einsteins Nurturing Centre
Builder: Advanced Constructions
Applicator: Leakfree Waterproofing
Application: Waterproofing Systems

Early Learning Centre in Shell Heights
Junior Einsteins is very excited to announce their brand new state-of-the-art, early learning centre currently under construction within the Dunmore Estate (Shell Heights), opening in 2023.
Junior Einsteins is a family-owned and operated early learning service that, over the past 16 years, has built upon its connections within the community to establish and maintain a family-like environment for children and families to feel safe, secure and supported.

Products Specified
Primer: Soprema Elastocol Stick, an SBS synthetic rubber adhesive primer.
Detail strips: Soprema Colphene 3000, a self-adhesive SBS modified sheet membrane system (Detail Strips).
Membrane: Soprema Colphene 3000, a self-adhesive SBS-modified sheet membrane system (Detail Strips).
Membrane Termination: K Flashing, an extruded aluminium flashing, with pre-punched holes, designed for the top termination of sheet membrane systems..
Mastic Sealant: Soprema Sopramastic, solvent-based bitumen mastic.
Flashing: Soprema Alsan Flashing, is a single-component polyurethane/bitumen liquid.
Flashing Reinforcement: Soprema Flashing Reinforcement, a polyester stitch-bonded reinforcing fleece.
Membrane Protection: WPA Drainage Cell, a drainage cell and root-resistant protection board.
Transitions: WPA Elastoband, an innovative detailing system designed for waterproofing and sealing all types of points, junctions and general areas subject to movement.
Membrane: WPA 100, a single-component, fibre-reinforced, rapid-drying, cementitious waterproofing membrane.
Primer: WPA 460, two-part water-based epoxy primer.
Transitions: WPA Elastoband, an innovative detailing system designed for waterproofing and sealing all types of points, junctions and general areas subject to movement.
Membrane: WPA 200, a highly flexible, two-part, rapid-drying, cementitious waterproofing membrane (minimum of 2 coats to achieve a DFT of 1000 microns).
Primer: WPA 460, two-part water-based epoxy primer.
Non-Porous Surfaces: WPA 160, a specialised solvent-free primer designed for enhancing the adhesion of subsequent membranes.
Transitions: WPA Elastoband, an innovative detailing system designed for waterproofing and sealing all types of points, junctions and general areas subject to movement.
Membrane: WPA 200, a highly flexible, two-part, rapid-drying, cementitious waterproofing membrane (minimum of 2 coats to achieve a DFT of 1000 microns).
Primer: WPA 460, a two-part, water-based epoxy primer.
Non-Porous Surfaces: WPA 160, a specialised solvent-free primer designed for enhancing the adhesion of subsequent membranes.
Fillets / Bond Breaker: WPA SPUR, a high quality, professional, universal, low modulus sealant.
Membrane: WPA Rapid, a waterborne, flexible waterproofing membrane.
Screed: ACS Traditional Floor Screed, a pre-blended screed underlayment specially formulated for internal & external floor areas (if required).
Tile Adhesive: TPA Lite, a premium grade C2S2, white, fibre-reinforced, flexible cement-based tile adhesive.
Tile Grout: TPA Tru Colour Grout, is a high-performance stain & efflorescence resistant grout.
Movement Joints: TPA Tru Colour Sanitary Silicone, a mould-resistant, non-diluted, high-performance, UV-resistant, neutral cure silicone sealant.

Products used
- Soprema Elastocol Stick
- K Flashing
- Soprema Sopramastic
- Soprema Alsan Flashing
- Soprema Flashing Reinforcement
- WPA Drainage Cell
- WPA Elastoband
- WPA 100
- WPA 460
- WPA 200
- WPA 160
- WPA Rapid
- TPA Lite
- TPA Tru Colour Sanitary Silicone