Balconies Terraces & Podiums
Home Bayset Systems Balconies Terraces & Podium Systems External Acoustic Areas Waterproofing Balconies with Acoustic Underlay – 350
WP350 Waterproofing – Balconies with Acoustic Underlay
- All surfaces to be waterproofed must be firm, clean, dry, sound and smooth. All grease, oil, wax, curing compounds, loose material, paint and any other contaminants must be removed, masonry surfaces must be pointed flush and surface defects repaired. New concrete must be cured for a minimum of 28 days.
- External corners to be waterproofed must be bevelled to ensure a smooth transition of membrane from vertical to horizontal surfaces.
- Waterproofing installation shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the National Construction Code.
Tile installation shall be in accordance with AS 3958 Installation of Ceramic and Stone Tiles.
- Install TPA Screed to achieve appropriate falls to waste. Where a bonded screed is required, apply a bond coat using TPA 401M or TPA Lite.
If an engineered, rapid screed is needed, install TPA Rapid Screed, with a bond coat of TPA Rapid for bonded screeds.
TPA Screed is a pre-blended screed mixture for the installation of cementitious screeds and tile beds, suitable for internal and external floor applications.
TPA Rapid Screed is a pre-blended, rapid set, engineered screed mixture for the installation of cementitious screeds and tile beds, suitable for internal and external floor applications.
TPA Rapid is a high-quality, cost-effective, rapid-setting, polymer-modified, grey cement-based tile adhesive.
- Install Vibramat Acoustic Underlay with RLA RL1000 Adhesive.
Vibramat Acoustic Mat is an acoustic underlay made from recycled tyres and waste rubber.
RLA RL1000 is a single-part, VOC-compliant isocyanate-free water resistant resilient flooring adhesive.
- Apply WPA 200, WPA 230UV, WPA 400, WPA 500 or WPA Rapid membrane in a minimum of two coats to achieve the required dry film thickness. Ensure that the previous coat has completely dried before applying the subsequent coat(s).
WPA 200 is a flexible, two-part, rapid-drying, cementitious waterproofing membrane system, specifically designed for use under tile, stone and exposed applications.
WPA 230UV is an elastomeric, fibre-reinforced, water-based polyurethane membrane system designed for exposed or under-tile applications.
WPA 400 is an elastomeric, fibre-reinforced waterproofing membrane based on high-performance polymer technology designed for use under tile finishes.
WPA 500 is a waterborne, fibre-reinforced, flexible waterproof membrane designed for use under tile finishes.
WPA Rapid is a fast-curing, waterborne flexible waterproof membrane designed for use under tile finishes.
- Install tiles using TPA 401M, TPA 501R or TPA Lite tile adhesive.
TPA 401M is a white, flexible, powdered adhesive for wall and floor applications.
TPA 501R is a cost-effective, high-coverage, flexible, powdered adhesive for wall and floor applications.
TPA Lite is a premium grade, white, fibre-reinforced, flexible cement-based tile adhesive, based on a lightweight formulation.
- Grout tiles using TPA Tru Colour Grout or an approved alternative.
TPA Tru Colour Grout is a high-performance stain & efflorescence resistant grout. It is designed for use with most types of Ceramic, Mosaic, Natural Stone and Glass Tiles.
- Install backing rod to all perimeter and intermediate movement joints and seal with TPA Tru Colour Sanitary Silicone or approved alternative.
TPA Tru Colour Sanitary Silicone is a mould-resistant, non-diluted, high-performance, UV-resistant, neutral cure silicone sealant.
Products Used
- TPA 401M
- TPA Lite
- TPA Screed
- TPA Rapid Screed
- TPA Rapid
- Vibramat
- RLA RL1000
- WPA 200
- WPA 230UV
- WPA 400
- WPA 500
- WPA Rapid
- TPA 501R
- TPA Tru Colour Grout
- TPA Tru Colour Sanitary Silicone

TPA 401M

TPA Lite

TPA Screed

Vibramat Standard Recycled Rubber

RL1000 SMP Resilient Flooring Adhesive

WPA 200


WPA 400

WPA 500

WPA Rapid

TPA 501R

TPA TRU Colour Grout

TPA TRU Colour Sanitary Silicone
